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What is Connected TV?

Connected TV (CTV), is a smart TV, smartphone, desktop, tablet or any device that is connected to the internet and facilitates the delivery of streaming video content.
A CTV connects to the internet through built-in capabilities or an external “over-the-top” (OTT) device that enables a standard TV set to become a Connected TV.
A :15 to :30 video ad is similar to a pre-roll ad on desktop, laptop or smartphone, but the user experience is comparable to traditional TV.
Video advertising on Connected TV occurs during the in-app experience. Ex: When a Connected TV user opens an app to watch an episode of The Lone Ranger, a video ad would play prior to or during the content.

Connected TV devices have seen an incredible surge in popularity, with a massive 164 million U.S users taking advantage of the video content available – making CTV advertising ready to dominate traditional television as brands and advertisers look for new ways to engage audiences!



A person or group who has canceled, or cut, their traditional TV service over cable or satellite and switched to an internet-based streaming service.


A person or group who has never subscribed to a traditional TV service and receives all content solely through an internet-based streaming service.


Connected TV is more convenient, has premium programming, and is a cost-effective way to reach a TV audience.

Create Impact

Develop a well-rounded marketing plan that includes traditional TV benefits, coupled with the precision of digital—with Basis.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Take advantage of better metrics (i.e., video completion rate, impressions delivered, unique device reach, etc.) and real-time reporting.

Expand Reach

Find unique audiences and access premium brand inventory with Basis’ best-in-class Private Marketplace (PMP) library.

Minimize Waste

Focus ad spend on audience segments that matter—reach desired groups with Basis’ broad targeting capabilities.

Let's Talk!

Let us know how we can help launch your campaign.


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