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Video advertising offers many different ways to engage with users.Reaching your audience with precision targeting is only part of the equation. Connecting with them by delivering high quality video content is how you fully harness the power of CTV/OTT advertising.


Video ads present advertisers with a cost-effective alternative to traditional TV. Video advertising refers to the advertisements that occur before, during, and/or after a video stream on the internet. In a world of endless choices, accessibility, quality content and user experiences are key. Video advertising has the power to teach, engage, and unite an audience—and is a crucial component to a broad marketing strategy.


Served before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll), or after (post-roll) within streaming video content that the viewer has requested. In-stream video ads are displayed within the context of streaming video and often used to monetize video content delivered by the publisher. For example, a person watching a cooking recipe video on YouTube, is then served a video ad similar to a traditional TV commercial about 60 seconds into the main short- or long-form video content.


Video units that show up outside of video player environments; this type of ad unit typically includes less traditional video placements such as, in-article, native, in-feed, or interstitial videos. For example, a site visitor may be reading a cooking recipe article on a lifestyle website and a video ad may load in-feed or alongside the content. Out-Stream video ads can be auto-play or viewer-enabled play depending on the environment.


A type of high impact full-screen video advertising that covers the interface of the host app or website. Interstitial ads are typically displayed at natural transition points within the flow of an app. They usually auto-retract after 15 seconds and require a close button. For example, these would run between activities or appear as a screen takeover when opening an app or web page.
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